Pain can happen in different conditions. There are various kinds of pain. The most prevalent and serious kinds include headache, joint pain, back pain, muscle pain. Stomachache, angina (chest pain), and gout are the examples of common pain. Cancer pain is often seen in cancer patients.
Pain can be classified into acute and chronic stages. Acute pain is mainly caused by injuries or diseases and it can usually be resolved after treatment. Whereas for chronic cases, they would generally last for 3 to 6 months and may be even longer. Their causes are likely related to the patient’s physical and mental conditions, and his or her social circumstance.
Acute Pain | Chronic Pain |
1) Post-op, inflammatory or traumatic | 1) Pain sustains even after the healing process |
2) Pain starts response to injury and subside with the healing process | 2) only the person experiences the pain could describe |
3) last less than 3 months | 3) Pain persists more than 3 months |
4) Respond to medication or treatment | 4) May not respond to medication well |
5) Rest promotes healing | 5) Pain does not improve with rest
6)Less and shorter psychosocial impact | 6) Complex psychosocial involvement and distressing |
Chronic pain can exert wide effect on individuals. In general, it would influence patients’daily life and work. It is because their emotion and sleeping quality will be greatly affected by the pain. Thus, their life quality will be decreased. Besides, their self-confidence would be influenced by the pain, and they may suffer from anxiety or depression if the situation is serious.
Treatment Principles:
- Combination of medication and non-medication interventions
- Pain relief
- Focus on functional ability, well being and quality of life
- Patient being proactive and consisted to the interventions and break the vicious cycle
Treatment Interventions:
- 1. Counseling
- 2. Physiotherapy
- 3. Occupational Therapy
- 4. Chinese Medicine
- 5. Medical Treatment
Source: Hospital Authority